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Some people have the impression that for living the permaculture principles, living alongside nature instead of against it, they need to have a piece of land, quit their jobs and run away from the cities. I want to demonstrate how living in harmony with the environment has a lot of health and lifestyle benefits and it can be done everywhere - in a flat, small house, big or small business – without having to spend much money or time.    

I was born and raised in a crowded city called Puebla, in Mexico. I grew up distant and disengaged of how my food was produced and where it came from, sending all my food scraps and materials to the landfill every day and not being aware of the energy and water problems. It wasn´t until I started studying Environmental Engineering that I realized how little I knew about nature, its patterns and cycles. Even though I studied several subjects related with nature and I attended plenty of workshops and field trips it was (when I quit my job and ran away from the city) in NZ where I started to walk the talk. Every time I talk with friends and family that live in the cities,  they still not realizing how easy it could be to work alongside nature instead of against it. Same thing happens with some small businesses that think it is too complicated to live in accordance to the permaculture ethics.  

I had the opportunity and privilege to come to a place like New Zealand where I lived and learned the permaculture principles from some experienced people, but I know that for other people this is neither a priority nor a possibility.  Many people don't know that Permaculture principles and ethics can be incorporated into their current living circumstances. Wit this project I am aiming to share these knowledge with individuals and small businesses, helping them to incorporate the permaculture principles in their daily lives: reducing waste, engaging with the community, respecting nature's patterns, reducing their footprint, etc. 

Permaculture Ethics 

Permaculture Principles

How to design our lifestyle and businesses taking these into account?